North Central Chapter, Health Physics Society
Minutes of the Business Meeting (September 21, 2001)
Employee Education Resource Center Auditorium
VA Hospital, Minneapolis, MN

Called to order at 12:30 p.m. by Pete Wildenborg, NCCHPS President.

1. The Chapter recognized and thanked the vendors who sponsored the Spring Meeting:
* Mr. Tom Chwierut of ICN
* Mr. John Yasenak of Inovision
* Dale Elmore of Canberra

2. The Spring Meeting minutes from the Mayo Clinic meeting which were distributed in the Newsletter and posted on the website, and were also available by copy at this meeting were accepted with no corrections.

3. The Secretary-Treasurer's report was presented by Anne Harri.

As of September 20, 2001:
Checking balance $2,925.90
Savings balance $30.39
Money Market funds balance $14,355.06
Total $16,926.73
Membership is:
125 full members
17 emeritus members
1 student members
16 affiliate members

4. Four CE credits were awarded to the Spring meeting under Course No. 2001-04-014 by the AAHP. Credits have been applied for this Fall meeting.

5. The 2002 Spring Meeting will be held in Milwaukee hosted jointly by the University of WI-Milwaukee and the Medical College of WI. Location to be announced.

6. The 2001 Chapter Award was presented to Mike Lewandowski who is the Chapter Affiliate Coordinator, has constructed and maintained the Chapter Website, and is active in the national HPS.

7. A remembrance was given by Irene Patrek for two members who died this past year: Ralph Wollen and Faye Thompson, both of the U of M.

8. A job announcement at Lakeshore Technical College was given.

Old Business
9. The NCCHPS Science Teacher Award has five candidates who are being reviewed by the Committee. A decision will be made in early October and the Award presented, along with the stipend to the Science Department of the winner's school. The Award winner will be invited to the NCC Spring meeting and nominated for the National HPS Science Teacher's Award.

10. The Team Approach meeting sponsored by the MN Safety Council has been submitted Gen Roessler's name as a potential speaker for their annual meeting March 16, '02.

11. The NCCHPS Records Retention Subcommittee will complete their first HPS Repository deposit after this meeting. The outgoing Secretary-Treasurer and President (Anne Harri and Pete Wildenborg) will meet and assemble the sets of records to be shipped.

12. There has been no action or submissions for the NCCHPS logo change.

New Business
The proceedings of the Executive Council meeting of 9/20/01 were reviewed including:

13. The Science and Education Subcommittee was discussed and will meet briefly following the Chapter meeting. Persons interested in volunteering for a teacher workshop will meet with them.

14. One new member was approved, Mr. Stephen Simpson of Iowa State University, and one former member reinstated, Kimberly Knight of the Medical College of WI.

15. Mr. Pete Wildenborg presented the State of the Chapter Address as out-going President. Highlights of his address were:
* Total member participation needs improvement
* Professional networking is a strength of the Chapter
* Another strength of the Chapter is in the volunteerism, both locally and nationally
* The Chapter is a valuable asset to preserve and grow the future of HPs in the area
* The Science Teacher Workshop project coming together is a valuable asset on the horizon

Other Business
16. A Website update is that the Membership Handbook will now be posted on the website in the Members Only section. A hard copy will be mailed to members without an e-mail address.

17. The new NCC HPS officers present were introduced.

Pete Wildenborg adjourned the meeting at 1:30 pm.